"My flight, my crew and I would float our missions and I had chow with my crew and the day was over. I remember opening the mail, and there's Time and Newsweek and I start reading it: who won president and all these Senate races."

"I read about a place called Delaware where a 29-year-old guy named Joe Biden upset an icon to become, at 29, elected to the United States Senate. I thought, "there is a state where a young person might have a chance to be involved," and I came to Delaware after I finished up with the Navy."

"I affiliated with a reserve squadron close by Newark and continued to fly P-3's for another 20 years. But, one year after I had been in Delaware, I was going to graduate school full time. I was flying with the Navy on weekends. I ended up being treasurer and a fundraiser for a congressional campaign for a fellow who was running for the House of Representatives. He lost, but I learned a lot about Delaware in that campaign, and I thought, 'this might be the reason why I'm here.'"

"Two years later, we didn't have anybody running for state treasurer and the state was in terrible shape. We had the worst credit rating in the country. I said, 'if nobody wants to run for treasurer, I will.'"

"That's the secret to my success- find jobs that that nobody wants to run for and put your hat in the ring, and and just run hard. I've been really blessed."

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