2023 Atlantic Hurricane Names

Is your name listed as a potential storm name for this year?

DELMARVA - June 1 marks the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season and it spans until Nov. 30. While Delaware has never experienced a direct hurricane hit, its coastal location and low-lying nature make Sussex County particularly vulnerable to the impacts of tropical systems, such as flooding and strong winds.

According to Joe Thomas, director of Sussex County Emergency Operations Center, the county remains vigilant regardless of the number of storms predicted. Thomas emphasizes the potential for a single storm to cause significant damage.

"Realistically, it only takes one storm," he said. "No matter how many they predict, we always have our eyes open because we know that it could happen at any given time."

One proactive measure homeowners can take is making simple changes to protect their homes. For instance, sealing the roof deck can prevent water from entering, especially when shingles, particularly older ones, are prone to falling off during a storm. Another area susceptible to damage is the garage.

Dr. Ian Giammanco, Lead Research Meteorologist at the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety, refers to garage doors as "damage amplifiers." If these doors fail during a storm, the likelihood of substantial home damage significantly increases.

Forecasting agencies, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, predict a near-normal hurricane season for 2023. Dr. Giammanco explains that conflicting conditions in the ocean and the atmosphere create an uncertain scenario. While a strong El Nino is developing, which typically generates high wind shear over the tropical Atlantic, record warm ocean temperatures in the Atlantic basin provide fuel for tropical systems.

Even a few inches of water can pose a danger, and a single storm with high winds can knock out power. Thomas stresses the importance of preparedness, urging individuals to have a disaster kit ready. This kit should include a three-day supply of essential items for survival, such as bottled water, canned food, a battery-powered radio, flashlight, and money.

Sussex County offers various resources on hurricane preparedness through its website, including information on shelter locations and evacuation plans. It is crucial to take proactive steps and access these resources to ensure readiness in the face of potential storms.