
Delaware - The Delaware House of Representatives voted 28 to 13 to pass House Bill 1, a marijuana legalization bill.

State Senator Trey Paradee sponsored House Bill 1, and believes legalization is the right move for the community.

"It's about time it gets done. People want it. People are starting to understand that it's not a deadly, evil drug that causes abuse," says Paradee.

Governor Carney has vetoed similar legislation in the past, like House Bill 371, which would have removed all penalties for an adult 21 years or older for possessing one ounce or less of marijuana. Delaware State Representative Charles Postles voted no to the bill.

"It's going to have similar affects in terms of the lifelong ability of young people to learn," Postles said. "I cannot, in good conscience, do that."

Despite the push back, Paradee believes that this bill will pass through the Senate, and that if it comes to it, they can overcome a veto from Governor Carney.

"I feel strongly that I have the votes in the Senate already lined up," says Paradee.

Zoë Patchell, Board Chair and President of the Delaware Cannabis Advocacy Network says she believes the passing of this bill could change lives.

"When you look at the health benefits and all of the different things that cannabis can help with, but then on the other side people are being criminalized, having their lives destroyed, and being sent to jail for a plant that's safer than alcohol and many pharmaceuticals...it just doesn't make sense."

According to Paradee, the House will be voting on House Bill 2, which is also marijuana related, this Thursday, March 9. Both House Bill 1 and 2 will be reviewed by the Senate Health Committee next Wednesday, March 15, before heading to the full Senate to vote on.