The Race Heats Up for Delaware State Senate 6th District

SUSSEX COUNTY, Del.- Three candidates are battling for Delaware's 6th Senate District. 

The winner of the race will represent residents in Rehoboth Beach, Lewes, Milton, and other communities. 

Democrat Russ Huxtable, Republican Steve Smyk, and the non-partisan Delaware party’s Gwendolyn Jones are all in line for the roll and all eyes are on the race. 

Smyk said he has the knowledge to serve the 6th district.

"The issues of the day evolve. There is always a new issue. The issues are not the same issues today as they were ten years ago. It seems that competitors are bringing up the current issues of today as if they are the only issues," he said.

Huxtable said he wants to address growth above all else.

"Making sure we have funds for open-space preservation, affordable housing, clean water, the environment, all things that matter to the community because this really is about community," he said. 

Smyk said investing in education is a top priority, alongside managing development.

He's confident in a win with years in politics, but he said Huxtable's running a campaign based on intimidation.

"I am not worried about the election. I am worried about how people are hurt by negative campaigning. That is something that I think should be illegal. If you are actually going to put information out to the public, there should be a balance of truth," Smyk said. 

What Smyk calls negative campaigning, Huxtable said is just people bringing attention to Smyk's voting record.

"I don't think he should feel intimidated for what he is voting for. He had a reason why he voted for those things," Smyk said. 

Non-partisan candidate Gwendolyn jones said the tension is what she's trying to avoid with a neutral campaign.

"It is everywhere. It is this right/left tension that is polarizing and people can see that as intimidating," Jones said. 

Her top priority if elected is legalizing marijuana.

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