Cape Henlopen School District Preparing For Safe & Successful School Year

SUSSEX COUNTY, Del.- Students will return to class nine days from now in the Cape Henlopen School District. 

On August 19th, the district's board voted unanimously that masks are required indoors for students, teachers, and visitors regardless of vaccination status, upholding governor carney's mandate. 

Bus drivers and their passengers must also wear masks. But COVID-19 Coordinator for the district Dr. LouAnn Hudson says these are not the only mitigation practices that will be present in the schools.

"Every layer can keep our students and staff safer," Dr. Hudson said. "So we of course are promoting vaccinations and have run several vaccination clinics for our staff and our students since last January and February."

Face coverings are not required outdoors including during recess. Dr. Hudson says students and staff are responsible for doing daily health checks. If they do not feel well, the district is asking they stay home until symptoms go away. The mask mandate is expected to be revisited in December.

As the district prepares to reopen safely, there will be more supplies thanks to some generous community members. The Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation passed out supplies to teachers at all of the district's schools. President Rick Grier-Reynolds says there is a great need every year for students whose families cannot afford supplies.

"We usually spend about ten thousand dollars and that'll be gone today," Grier-Reynolds said. "And that's a drop in the bucket compared to what teachers will continue to you know buy."

From notebooks, to binders, to pencils and pens the foundation is able to cover costs with the help of partners like Staples and St. Edmonds Roman Catholic Church.

There are two big goals in the district this year. The first being successful in the classroom. The second being staying safe and healthy.