Growing Concerns Over Camp Arrowhead Road Crosswalk Leads To Silent Demonstration

LEWES, Del.- Safety through in S-curve is in question from people living in the Marsh Farm Estates housing community.

They feel a crosswalk on Camp Arrowhead Road needs to go, especially since there is nothing to go to on the other side. Homeowner Dave Breen says walkers and bike riders use it, but proceed with caution.

"Coming around a blind curve and noticing if somebody is going to step out in front of you," Breen said. "This is just a bad situation waiting to happen."

People who live and do not live in the complex gathered with signs next to the crosswalk and voiced their frustration. Their hope is the property owner can initiate a removal of the pathway.

Tom and Laurie Bowen live in one of the homes near Camp Arrowhead Road and get concerned watching people walk and ride across.

"We use this area all the time and we would never use this crosswalk," Tom Bowen said. "It's just way too dangerous. We are athletic, we can move but I would be scared of a car coming around that corner."

Keith Steck lives in Milton and says this is not just a concern at one crosswalk, but others in Sussex County.

"People around the county have raised this issue," Steck said. "There are people who are concerned in Bethany and down in that area and other parts of the county. But this is a growing concern.

According to the Delaware Department of Transportation, there are no documented accidents that have occurred at the crosswalk. Director of Community Relations C.R. McLeod says that crosswalks are safe when used properly and since this is privately owned, DelDOT cannot do anything unless it buys the space.

"DelDOT would have to acquire those properties and really take the paths out and then build some sort of berm or fencing to ensure it was enough of a deterrent that you weren't going to have anyone crossing there," McLeod said. "At this time, we feel that having this crosswalk in place is still the safest means of ensuring folks who are going to be crossing Camp Arrowhead Road can do so safely.

DelDOT says rapid lights that need to be activated by pushing a button will be installed, but some say that won’t be enough for drivers to slow down in the forty mile per hour zone.