Rehoboth Beach considers allowing dogs on the beach and boardwalk

Bo, the one year old puppy from New York, goes for a walk down Rehoboth Avenue.

REHOBOTH BEACH, Del. - Pets might be able to get their paws sandy on summer vacation come next year.

Currently Rehoboth Beach does not allow dogs on the beach or boardwalk from May 1 to September 13.

However the City of Rehoboth Beach recently posted an online poll to gauge whether or not people would like to bring their furry friends to the boardwalk and beach in the summer time during non-peak hours, similar to Dewey Beach.

Pam Barchet, owner of Bo the one year old puppy, thinks allowing dogs on the beach and boardwalk can't hurt,

"I think a lot more people would visit the area more and stick around a little bit longer. It's tough leaving them in a hotel room or condo or something for five or six hours. They're part of the family!"

But other people said dogs on the beach could be a disturbance to what is supposed to be a relaxing vacation for everyone.

"When other people with their dogs out start barking and fighting, it's kind of disruptive so I'm not in favor of it. I like people with their dogs to go do dog things somewhere else." said Robert McNett.

The results of this survey will be presented to the Board of Commissioners in a meeting come this fall for further consideration.