Public debates potential pallet village for the homeless in Milford

MILFORD, Del.- Dozens of people piled into Milford city hall to voice their opinions on a potential pallet village for the homeless.

The meeting went late into the night as people both for and against the proposal voiced countless opinions on the project.

The Springboard Collaborative, the non-profit who handles this program, gave a presentation to city council, discussing its Georgetown location's progress one year in.

Countless people both for and against this proposal then took the microphone.

"It may not be a permanent solution, but it is a solution," said David A. Shockely, who is the pastor of Jesus Love Temple and is the president of House Of David Milford. "I've been here for 45 years, just about. And every solution, every other idea has been shot down. Every other thing that we've done has been kicked to the curb."

But Eugene McNulty of Lincoln says it may not be worth the trouble.

"I've lived here since 1985. I've raised both my children here and it seems like it's a detriment to the community. It's not a benefit." he said. "I have a heart. I feel for these people. But I don't think that this is going to do anything to sort of affordable housing. And it's from what I see, it's not doing anything for their addiction."

According to Sara Bluhm with the City of Milford, the idea for this village in Milford took shape after a tent city was removed after the land it resided on was purchased back in early 2023. She continued to say that if city council chooses to continue with this proposal, more public hearings will be needed.